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What is Draught or Draft Beer? Everything You Need to Know

draught beer

Nowadays, it seems that every go-to bar and local brewery has craft beer offerings. Indeed, the craft beer scene is in its prime – in Australia, it’s the only segment in the beer market that’s still continuously growing despite the decline in beer and alcohol consumption.

Draught, or draft beer, with its crisp taste and pleasant foamy head has long been considered as the freshest option for beer enthusiasts.

Generally considered to be the optimal method of showcasing the art of brewery, here are some salient facts you need to know about what makes draft beer ahead of the pack:

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Chinese Beer

Chinese Tsingtao beer photo

It’s only since the 19th century that beer was reinvented in China after an interlude of several thousand years when the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties prevailed. However, the Chinese have taken to the beer revolution with a zeal typical of its people, and Chinese consumption has grown dramatically. It’s predicted that this populous nation will become the world’s leading beer market by 2017, and it comes as no surprise that the best-selling beer brand in the world is Chinese. As with other Asian countries, the pairing of appropriate beverages with food is part of culture and heritage, with regional ingredients playing an important role in the beer brewing process.

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Belgian Beer

Belgian beer

Belgium is home to some of the most passionate beer aficionados in the world. The pride in locally produced Belgian beer is understandable – the result of 1,000 years of brewing tradition. Close to 200 breweries in Belgium dedicate their expertise toward creating unique flavours that are not found anywhere else, and with around 60% of the product being exported there are plenty of opportunities to discover just why Belgian beer is so highly recommended.

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Australian Beer

Australian beer

From the beginning of British colonisation of Australia in the late 1700s, beer was already playing a significant role in the development of this fledgling nation. Within a few short years of settlement by British ex-pats, early governors and their convict charges the first hops were successfully grown and the first Australian pubs opened. The taste for beer and the varieties available have grown steadily in the ensuing years, and the favourably warm climate and outdoor lifestyle of Australia lends itself to the reputation of an Australian people who enjoy an ice-cold beer at the end of a hard-working day. In Australia, beer drinking has been an evolution rather than a revolution, with favourite brands steadfastly promoted by their loyal customers.

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Japanese Beer


In a country where sake is so well known, it might be surprising to find that beer is by far the most popular alcoholic beverage in Japan. Originally introduced by the Dutch in the 17th century, beer has become a Japanese favourite, and since the early 19th century when local brewing began, the product has evolved with characteristics that are distinctly Japanese.   Within a few generations of initial brewing, beer had become readily accessible throughout Japan and a huge range of beers are now available even at local convenience stores.

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Irish Beer

Temple Bar Dublin Ireland

The Irish are well known for their love of Guinness and other stout beers that are thick, dark and frothy. Further investigation reveals that stout is only part of the Irish beer culture, accounting for one third of beer consumption on the Emerald Isle. Lager is the overwhelming favourite among Irish beer drinkers, resulting in around 60% of all production, while ale takes 6% of the market share. Irish beer, especially Guinness, has become incorporated as part of Irish folklore alongside the shamrock (clover), leprechauns and traditional music celebrations. The number of Irish breweries has dropped significantly during the past century, although microbreweries are on the rise and some of the world’s most iconic beer brands are still in production.

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Does Beer Go Off?

beer in storage

Drinking and eating are the two major ways we provide nourishment to our bodies. All foodstuffs and drinks, including even water, are best served when they are at their peak of flavour and nutritional value. Different products diminish in quality over time, influenced by various factors, and beer is no exception. Not everyone knows how to store beer properly, how long it will keep in premium condition, or if it is safe to drink a beer that has been shelved for an extended period of time. So if you have discovered a treasure-trove of long-forgotten beer in your garage or basement, this article will shed some much-needed amber light on the subject.

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Is Beer Gluten Free?

gluten free beer

If you visit a bakery or restaurant for any period of time, you will encounter customers enquiring about gluten-free items. Many of us might feel inclined to dismiss their request as yet another faddish trend or health-kick based on new-age propaganda, but in actuality gluten intolerance is a very real occurrence that is especially felt by those suffering from celiac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis. Some people even avoid drinking beer due to fear of gluten, and might prefer alternative alcoholic beverages. So what is gluten, and is beer gluten-free?

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