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What is Draught or Draft Beer? Everything You Need to Know

draught beer

Nowadays, it seems that every go-to bar and local brewery has craft beer offerings. Indeed, the craft beer scene is in its prime – in Australia, it’s the only segment in the beer market that’s still continuously growing despite the decline in beer and alcohol consumption.

Draught, or draft beer, with its crisp taste and pleasant foamy head has long been considered as the freshest option for beer enthusiasts.

Generally considered to be the optimal method of showcasing the art of brewery, here are some salient facts you need to know about what makes draft beer ahead of the pack:

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Belgian Beer

Belgian beer

Belgium is home to some of the most passionate beer aficionados in the world. The pride in locally produced Belgian beer is understandable – the result of 1,000 years of brewing tradition. Close to 200 breweries in Belgium dedicate their expertise toward creating unique flavours that are not found anywhere else, and with around 60% of the product being exported there are plenty of opportunities to discover just why Belgian beer is so highly recommended.

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Japanese Beer


In a country where sake is so well known, it might be surprising to find that beer is by far the most popular alcoholic beverage in Japan. Originally introduced by the Dutch in the 17th century, beer has become a Japanese favourite, and since the early 19th century when local brewing began, the product has evolved with characteristics that are distinctly Japanese.   Within a few generations of initial brewing, beer had become readily accessible throughout Japan and a huge range of beers are now available even at local convenience stores.

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German Beer

German beer

Among countries where beer is a significant feature of cultural identity, Germany stands tall. From famous brewing regions, world renowned festivals, and a prohibition-free history of production since the bronze age, beer has been consistently identifiable with the German people. Germany boasts around 1,200 breweries and 5,000 styles of beer, with pilsner holding a 60% market share around the country. However, local allegiances are strong, and favouritism for local beer varieties ensures the beer produced in regional homelands has a dedicated following.

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American Beer


There are more than 3,000 breweries in the USA and although the majority of beer drunk by Americans is produced by large-scale manufacturers, the craft brewing industry is booming. Beer is the alcoholic beverage of choice for most Americans, outstripping the sale of wine and spirits, and brewers are producing a greater range of styles than ever before. Beer is big business in America, and although once derided for producing only pale lager, America is now a brewing powerhouse capable of capturing a sizeable share of the global beer market. 

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Alcohol Adds More Calories into Your Low Carb Beverage

best low carb beer in Australia

Alcohol is a go-to drink for many consumers as a way to unwind, especially after a long day or work week. It accompanies parties, celebrations, and festivals as far back as written human history. Craft beer brewers or even huge corporations like Burleigh Brewing or Carlton & United Breweries know this. Aside from delivering drinks for people’s enjoyment, breweries are also trying to address the concerns regarding consumers’ health.

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Is Beer Good for You?


It’s clearly established that beer is a great way to bond with friends, stimulate joviality and facilitate a great night out on the town. Beer also enhances romance, inspires artists and is a great accompaniment to a meal. Beer is a feel-good beverage that is universally acclaimed as a tonic and source of vitamins and minerals. Of course, too much of a good thing will have adverse affects, but enjoyed in moderation, beer has some astounding properties.

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